Andrew McKay is a qualified chartered surveyor with over 12 years property experience. He has completed several of his own residential development and refurbishment projects, including his own home, as well as project managed many refurbishments on behalf of clients. He built up his own buy to let portfolio by buying undervalued property during the downturn.

He challenges clients preconceptions and adds value through his extensive knowledge of property and his contacts in the industry. His attention to detail is second to none. If you are considering doing work to your property please get in touch at the outset as you will be surprised at how much value added can be gained and costly mistakes avoided by involving an expert from day one. Cost savings often cover the cost of project management fees.

Andrew will take the stress and hassle out of managing your building works from advising on the best builders to use for a tender, ensuring that you make the right decisions from the outset to avoid escalating project costs. He also works with clients to maximise the value of a property when preparing it for sale and will undertake ongoing management of your property should you need to let it out.


Andrew McKay MRICS
Mobile: 07545 304 163